Dr Temel Kotil, Turkey

Chief Executive Officer, President and General Manager,

Turkish Airlines

‘’Baybars is just this sort of person. In the pages of this book, you will read the fascinating story of his road to success. He is truly an inspiration for everyone.’’

’Success can be defined in many ways. No matter how you conceptualize and define it, success derives from a capacity to make the most of opportunities that present themselves and the ability to use these in a way that benefits humanity. Even a single individual can produce important things for humanity. He may write a story that will be appreciated by the future generations, for example.  If a person with a story can look forward to the future, he can pair his optimism with entrepreneurship. This sort of person is always ready for something new and can therefore be productive. People who never lose hope will enjoy life more than those who do. The will to grasp onto life without losing hope brings love, and this love brings success. Baybars is just this sort of person. In the pages of this book, you will read the fascinating story of his road to success. He is truly an inspiration for everyone.’’

  • Posted by  Mecit
  • Global Busıness Leaders

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