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Inderjit Singh, Singapore

Member of Parliament, Government of Singapore

Co-President, World Entrepreneurship Forum

Author of The Art and Science of Entrepreneurship

‘’I encourage all who want to embark on the entrepreneurial road to read the book and to learn from Baybars’ experience.’’

‘’Entrepreneurs face challenges no matter in which part of the world they start their companies. Every successful entrepreneur will tell you that the first step of the journey is transforming the mindset so that one that believes all problems can be solved. In this book, Baybars shares his journey and tells how he succeeded as an entrepreneur and I encourage all who want to embark on the entrepreneurial road to read the book and to learn from Baybars’ experience.’’

  • Posted by  Mecit
  • Authors, Entrepreneurs & Angel Investors, Genel, Global Busıness Leaders, Polıcy Makers

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