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Francisco Banha, Portugal

President, Portuguese Federation of Business Angels Associations (FNABA)

Co-founder and Board Member,World Business Angels Association (WBAA)

Professor of Entrepreneurship – MBA, the Technical University of Lisbon

‘’This excellent book, which I hope can instill in students, entrepreneur candidates, entrepreneurs, and investors looking for opportunities, the necessary inspiration for the creation of new companies. And for current entrepreneurs, it can help foster the evolution of social and economic welfare.’’

‘’Congratulations to Baybars for this excellent book, which I hope can instill in students, entrepreneur candidates, entrepreneurs, and investors looking for opportunities, the necessary inspiration for the creation of new companies. And for current entrepreneurs, it can help foster the evolution of social and economic welfare. And because books are two-way paths, do not miss the opportunity to send feedback to Baybars. Email was created for this very reason.’’

  • Posted by  Mecit
  • Academıcıans, Country Busıness Leaders, Entrepreneurs & Angel Investors, Genel

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